Target insulin special columnThe Target-Insulin binding phase of insulin specific column is prepared by bonding a uniform nano thickness hydrophilic layer on a silica gel matrix with high purity and good mechanical stability, using a patented surface modification technology. In the separation process under Pharmacopoeia chromatographic conditions, the detection of insulin high molecular protein showed that the resolution of islet dimer and monomer completely met the requirements of Pharmacopoeia.
Chromatographic conditions of insulin
Chromatographic : target insulin, 3μm, 7.8 × 300 mm
Mobile phase: acetic acid: acetonitrile: 0.1% arginine solution = 15:20: 65 (V / V)
Flow rate: 0.5ml/min
Temperature: 40℃
Detection: UV 276nm
Sample: 4mg/ml insulin dissolved in 0.01M HCl solution
Injection volume: 100μL

name | retention time | the measure of area | Tailing factor | Number of trays | Resolution |
Pancreatin dimer | 12.745 | 1311 | -0.91 | 3461 | |
Insulin monomer | 14.909 | 38217 | 0.68 | 4123 | 2.41 |
Sample name Specification and model Part No
Insulin specific column Target-Insulin 5u 7.8mm x 300mm 511328-78030
* If you need other specifications that are not in this list, please contact your sales representative.