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Add:Zeppelinstr. 5, 63741 Aschaffenburg, Germany

Affinity Columns

MS-Clean Vomit immunoaffinity column

The main component of vomitus toxin is don (deoxynivalenol), which belongs to the family of monosporoses, widely exists in nature and is a common mycotoxin in food. Vomitus has high cytotoxin and immunosuppressive properties, which is a great threat to human health. All over the world, there are strict limits for vomitus in food and feed.
Measuring principle:
The immunoaffinity column is based on the antibody antigen-specific reaction and contains a gel containing antibodies to vomit toxin. When the sample is loaded, the extracted, filtered and diluted sample slowly passes through the immunoaffinity chromatography column of vomit toxin, in which the vomit toxin combines with the antibody, and other substances will not combine and flow out directly. After that, the immunoaffinity column was washed and other unbound substances were completely removed. Finally, methanol was added, the vomit toxin was released and eluted, and then injected into the analyzer for detection.
Application scope and purpose:
Vomit immunoaffinity column is suitable for the purification of vomit in samples with complex matrix and low limit requirements. It can be used for TLC, HPLC, GC, LC-MS / MS, EIA and other quantitative analysis, suitable for grain, food and feed samples.
Determination conditions of liquid chromatography:
Detector: UV detector
Detection wavelength: 218nm
Mobile phase: methanol: water = 20:80
Flow rate: 0.8 ml / min
Injection volume: 20 UL
Column temperature: 35 ℃
Inject 20 UL standard working solution of vomit toxin into high performance liquid chromatograph, measure the response value (peak height or peak area) of the standard solution under the above chromatographic conditions, and obtain the high performance liquid chromatogram of the standard solution of vomit toxin.

Product parameters and specifications


Article No





25 pieces / box

20 pieces / box



Column volume




500ng vomit toxin

1000ng vomit toxin




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MS Technologies