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GC Columns

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MS-1 gas chromatography column 100% dimethylpolysiloxane column

1. Nonpolar bonded crosslinked stationary phase
2. Solvent resistant flushing
3. High column efficiency and good thermal stability
4. 360 polyimide coating
Applications: hydrocarbons, pesticides, pesticides, PCBs, phenols, sulfides, spices and spices.
Corresponding to other similar stationary phases: hp-1, db-1, rtx-1, CP SIL 5CB, bp-1, OV-1, OV-101, SE-30
Temperature range:
-60 to 325 / 350, general
-60 to 300 / 320 0.53mm ID
-60 to 260 / 280 > 2.0mm liquid film
Product specifications:

 internal diameter/mm Columnlength/m Membrane thickness/μm Part No
0.25 15 0.10 101-152501
0.25 101-152525
0.50 101-152505
1.00 101-152510
30 0.10 101-302501
0.25 101-302525
0.50 101-302505
1.00 101-302510
50 0.10 101-502501
0.25 101-502525
0.33 101-502533
0.50 101-502505
1.00 101-502510
60 0.25 101-602525
0.50 101-602505
1.00 101-602510
100 0.25 101-1002525
0.50 101-1002505
1.00 101-1002510
0.32 15 0.25 101-153225
0.50 101-153205
1.00 101-153201
25 0.25 101-253225
0.50 101-253205
1.00 101-253210
30 0.10 101-303201
0.25 101-303225
0.33 101-303233
0.50 101-303205
1.00 101-303210
3.00 101-303230
4.00 101-303240
5.00 101-303250
50 0.25 101-503225
0.33 101-503233
0.50 101-503205
1.00 101-503210
1.05 101-503215
2.65 101-503226
5.00 101-503250
60 0.25 101-603225
0.33 101-603233
0.50 101-603205
1.00 101-603210
2.65 101-603226
5.00 101-603250
0.53 10 0.88 101-105388
1.00 101-105310
2.65 101-105326
3.00 101-105330
15 0.50 101-155305
1.00 101-155310
2.65 101-155326
3.00 101-155330
5.00 101-155350
30 0.50 101-305305
0.88 101-305388
1.00 101-305310
1.50 101-305315
2.65 101-305326
3.00 101-305330
5.00 101-305350
50 0.50 101-505350
1.00 101-505310
2.65 101-505326
5.00 101-505350
60 1.00 101-605310
2.65 101-605326
5.00 101-605350

* If you need other specifications that are not in this list, please contact your sales representative.



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MS Technologies