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Affinity Columns

MS-Clean Gamma Immunoaffinity column

Mycotoxin test column
Detection of mycotoxins such as aflatoxin
The immunoaffinity column is based on the specific reaction of antibody antigen and has very specific selectivity. It is suitable for isolation of mycotoxins such as aflatoxin from complex samples.
Special hydrophilic sieve plate, good flow control, no protein specific packing, good selectivity in line with national standard method
-Detection of mycotoxins in foods, beverages and dairy products
Relevant standards
-GB 541337-2010 national food safety standard Determination of aflatoxin M1 in milk and dairy products
-GB / T 28716-2012 determination of zearalenone in feeds immunoaffinity column purification high performance liquid chromatography
-Db45 / t551-2008 determination of ochratoxin A in wine and beer
MS-Clean Gamma Immunoaffinity column

Ordering information---
Order No Specification Number of packages
MSAFMB101 Aflatoxin B1 immunoaffinity column, 1ml 25 pieces / bag
MSAFMB103 Aflatoxin B1 immunoaffinity column, 3ml 20 pieces / bag
MSAFMM101 Aflatoxin M1 immunoaffinity column, 1ml 25 pieces / bag
MSAFMM103 Aflatoxin M1 immunoaffinity column, 3ml 20 pieces / bag
MSAFMT101 Total aflatoxin immunoaffinity column, 1ml 25 pieces / bag
MSAFMT103 Total aflatoxin immunoaffinity column, 3ml 20 pieces / bag
MSAFDON101 Vomit immunoaffinity column, 1ml 25 pieces / bag
MSAFDON103 Vomit immunoaffinity column, 3ml 20 pieces / bag
MSAFOCH101 Ochratoxin immunoaffinity column, 1ml 25 pieces / bag
MSAFOCH103 Ochratoxin immunoaffinity column, 3ml 20 pieces / bag
MSAFZEA101 Zearalenone immunoaffinity column, 1ml 25 pieces / bag
MSAFZEA103 Zearalenone immunoaffinity column, 3ml 20 pieces / bag
MSAFT2101 T-2 toxin immunoaffinity column, 1ml 25 pieces / bag
MSAFT2103 T-2 toxin immunoaffinity column, 3ml 20 pieces / bag

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MS Technologies